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    Remnant Theatre Artist
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→ Some of all this in English

Hello! I’m a theatre and performance artist (also known as Remnant) and an educator. I’m passionate about people and transformation. I work as a clown, a special education worker and a theatre tutor. I create theatre shows and performances and socio-pedagogical projects for children and adults. Basically, I do anything on the spectrum of theatre and education which involves having fun, creating connection with and between people and helping them realise their potential.

I’m a certified educator for Germany (Erzieherin) and have trained on the full-time programme in creating and performing physical theatre at the London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA, nowadays I also gained an MA in Devised Theatre and Performance from Rose Bruford College in England. For more information on my educational background, visit

Originally from Israel-Palestine (”sorry, what?”), I have lived, studied and worked in Ireland, England, Hungary, China, Spain and other places before arriving in Berlin in 2016, where I am now based.

My ample experience in social, education and youth work using theatre, and often humor, has led me to foster a strong belief in the power of a work based on deploying the body and the imagination: its power to help people develop social and emotional competencies, build resilience and expand or transform ways of thinking.

My inspiration and philosophy come from the pedagogy of physical and devised theatre as developed by Jacques Lecoq, visual theatre and performance such as the work of Philippe Genty and Robert Wilson (to mention but a couple of names), the approach of Bias Awareness in Education, the pedagogical principle of Participation, the ideas of Augusto Boal and Paulo Freire and many more people and sources. I regulary follow current discourses on theatre education, am a fan of the applied theatre in education work of Romi Domkoswky and Maike Plath in Berlin, and am an avid reader of clown theory and philosophy. I took part in prominent clown researcher Jon Davison’s study courses History, Theory and Analysis of Clown. I participated twice in Melissa Eveleigh’s (aka Arts for Action) course Building Transformation: Participatory Community Engagement using Physical and Forum Theatre

As a former member of CIRCA IL – The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army Israel aka The Smile Liberation Front – I am also passionate about creative activism based on creating positive connection with people. In 2024, I participated in the week-long workshop The Nomadic Rebel Clown Academy with Robyn Hambrook and Hilary Ramsden to review some known methods and gain some new tools for creative public interventions. Here’s a wonderful clown who does that with compassion and courage, by the way.

Contact me at roni(dot)mundel(at)yahoo(dot)com.